Will on the Hill 2020

On behalf of the Shakespeare Theatre Company we would like to invite you to join top members of Washington, D.C.’s unique community this year as a cast member in Will on the Hill. An original script, directed by Samantha Wyer Bello, will provide the perfect combination of contemporary politics, humor, Shakespeare, and fun for those who support the event. Representatives, Senators and distinguished Washington insiders, including media personalities and business leaders, will perform on stage to a hilarious script based around today’s political climate.

Will on the Hill supports the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s many education, artistic and community engagement programs including in-school workshops and online learning resources that inspire new and diverse audiences and deepen the connection to classical theatre in learners of all ages. Since opening Sidney Harman Hall in 2007, the theatre has expanded both its programming and accessibility by bringing affordable, high-quality theatre to downtown D.C.

Will on the Hill has also received formal clearance from the Senate Committee on Ethics each year. Scripts will be sent to all participants in advance; however, no memorization of lines is required as scripts may be taken on stage. There will be a cast drop-in rehearsal beginning at 3:30 p.m. on the day of the event which is recommended but not required. Craft services will be provided pre-show, and a buffet dinner will be served immediately following the performance.

Schedule for the day:

3:30–5:30 p.m.Recommended Cast drop-in Rehearsal
6:30 p.m.Cocktail Reception
7:10 p.m.Theatre opens for guests to be seated (All seats are assigned)
Cast Members leave Reception and go backstage
7:30 p.m.Will on the Hill Performance
8:30 p.m.Performance ends. Please remain on the stage to meet the students from our education programs and take a group photo.
8:35 p.m.Buffet Dinner

We would be honored if you would agree to appear on the Sidney Harman Hall stage as a Will on the Hill cast member. To RSVP, click here. Please contact WOTH@ShakespeareTheatre.org with any questions.