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Further Reading

Critical works in English:

  • Anne Lounsbery, “‘No, This Is Not the Provinces!’ Provincialism, Authenticity, and Russianness in Gogol’s Day,” Russian Review. 64:2 (2005): 259-80.
  • Donald Fanger, The Creation of Nikolai Gogol (Harvard University Press, 1979).
  • Guthrie Theater, The Government Inspector Play Guide. 2008.
  • Robert A. Maguire, Exploring Gogol (Stanford University Press, 1994).
  • Robert A. Maguire, selected, trans., ed. and intro., Gogol From the Twentieth Century:  Eleven Essays, (Princeton University Press, 1974).
  • Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Gogol (New Directions, 1944).
  • Vsevolod Meyerhold. Meyerhold On Theatre. Transl. and edited Edward Braun. (Bloomsbury USA, 1978).

English translations of Gogol:

  • Arabesques, trans. Alexander Tulloch, intro. Carl R. Proffer (Ardis, 1982).
  • The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol, trans. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (Random House, 1999).
  • Dead Souls, transl. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (Vintage Books, 1996).
  • Letters of Nikolai Gogol, ed. Carl R. Proffer (University of Michigan Press, 1967).
  • Nikolay Gogol: Plays and Selected Writings, ed. and intro. Milton Ehre, trans. Milton and Ehre and Fruma Gottschalk (Northwestern University Press, 1980).
  • Selected Passages from Correspondence With Friends, trans. Jesse Zeldin (Vanderbilt University Press, 1969).