Show Filters

“Break the Ice” with Justin Guarini and Aisha Jackson

We were so Lucky to get a chance to chat with some of the cast members of Once Upon a One More Time. Today, we highlight Justin Guarini (Romeo & JulietAmerican Idol) who plays Prince Charming, and Aisha Jackson (Waitress, Frozen), who plays Snow White.

What’s it like working with Keone and Mari Madrid, who are leading the creative team of the show? 

Justin Guarini: “Everyone is going to see their genius on full display in this show. Their vision for the storytelling and the intricate choreography are going to blow people’s minds…but what they won’t ever see…is the fact that behind-the-scenes Keone and Mari are the heart of this show. Every single morning, in rehearsal, they come up to each and every one of us and connect—hug us, spend a moment with us asking us how we’re feeling…and they set the tone of each day, each rehearsal, with love and authenticity. We always end rehearsals in the same way, in a circle as a team, hands in the middle. Keoni and Mari are the secret sauce that supercharges an already powerful creative team and cast…and I consider myself blessed to be on this journey with them.”

Aisha Jackson: “KEONI AND MARI ARE AMAZING HUMAN BEINGS!!! Not only are they talented beyond measure, but they also lead our company with overwhelming grace and kindness. It is truly a gift to have them as creatives on this project, and I’m grateful they trust me to bring their intricate, captivating choreography to life.”

How did it feel singing “Oops!… I Did It Again” with Britney Spears in the same room? 

Aisha: “The day Britney came to watch our show we were all a bit nervous! But as soon as we saw her light up in the audience, we knew we were making her proud. I think she was pretty tickled and impressed by how we utilized her music to tell this empowering story. It felt good to get her nod, and many smiles and laughs, of approval!”

Justin: “I remember hoping I did it justice! Over the years I’ve had a few interactions with Britney, and she’s always been so lovely…so singing one of her biggest hits, in a show full of her biggest hits, was a thrill.” 

How does it feel to go back to work after the pre-Broadway run in Chicago was canceled due to COVID-19? 

Justin: “BETTER than before the shutdown. I’ve grown so much as a husband, father, and artist over the past 18 months, and I feel even more equipped to deliver on my commitment to this show (and my fellow cast mates, who I missed so much while we were all gone!)”

To you, how does this story resonate with the message of female empowerment?

Aisha: “This story resonates with the message of female empowerment because it encourages women to be unafraid to use their voices. It challenges us to stand up for what we believe in and push back against anyone or anything that desires to put us in a box. We are unique beings that deserve to write our own stories and be heard!”

Once Upon a One More Time begins performances on November 30. Click here to order tickets!