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Poets are Present: Doritt Carroll

Poets are Present is a poetry residency in conjunction with David Ives’s adaptation of The Metromaniacs. As part of this unique theatre/poetry exchange, the Shakespeare Theatre Company is proud to host more than 30 D.C.-area poets in the theatre’s lobby. Throughout the run, we will share with you the poems that this residency inspired our guests to write. Visit our Poets are Present page to see a list of upcoming poets.

A native of Washington, DC, Doritt Carroll received her undergraduate andCaroll_Doritt law degrees from Georgetown University.  Her collection In Caves was published in 2010 by Brickhouse Books.  Her book GLTTL STP was published in 2013 by Brickhouse Books, and the title poem was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her poems have appeared in Coal City Review, Poet Lore, Nimrod, Slipstream, Rattle, Plainsongs, Poetry Depth Quarterly, Maryland Poetry Review, Explorations, Negative Capability, Poet’s Canvas, Illuminations, The Baltimore Review, Journal of Formal Poetry, Harlequin Creature, Lummox, Commonthought Magazine, and Folio.


A Poem

By Doritt Carroll

identity hurts
so why not slip it off
under the table
like a pointy shoe
you only wore
to impress someone
who turns out
not to be listening

watch her earrings
scatter the light
like chandeliers
as she tips her head
for the sound
of somebody else’s