Show Filters

Inside the Shops: Bringing the costumes of The Metromaniacs to life

1.costume rendering of Dorante

Costume Designer Murell Horton’s costume rendering for “Dorante,” played by Anthony Roach.

Sandra Thomas, First Hand in the STC costume shop, documents the process of bringing a costume to life from the designer to the actor. Join us for an inside peek of designer Murell Horton’s luxurious designs for The Metromaniacs.

Part 1. Mocking it Up

After the costumer produces their renderings and designs for the production, they move to the costume shop to begin producing the garments.

Draper Randall Exton meets with Murell to discuss the design and look in-depth at the clothing items to be produced.  4. first meeting of designer and draper

Randall does extensive research into the patterns and silhouettes from the era.

7. designer and draper meeting research  8. designer and draper meeting research

Next Randall begins by draping muslin on a dress form to create the shape of Dorante’s coat.

9. Randall begins draping a pattern on a dress form

Pattern pieces are then drafted in heavy paper, and used to cut out the muslin pieces that will become the mock up.

12. a pattern piece read to be traced onto muslin

First Hand Sandra Thomas cuts the pattern from the muslin.

15. first hand Sandra Thomas begins tracing and cutting out pattern from muslin for a mock-up  13. first hand, Sandra  Thomas begins tracing and cutting out pattern from muslin for a mock-up

Costume intern Stephanie Goad works on sewing the muslin mockup together, and then reviews the muslin on a dress form with Randall.

18. Costume Intern Stephanie sewing the mock-up  17. Randall and costume intern Stephanie discuss the mock-up on a dress form

The finished muslin mockup is then ready for pre-rehearsal fittings in New York.

19. mock-up ready for NYC fitting  20. mock-up ready for NYC fitting

Actor Anthony Roach is fit in the muslin mockup.

23. Tony Roach , first muslin fitting, NYC  24. Tony, first muslin mock-up fitting, NYC

And then fabrics and notions begin to arrive in STC’s D.C. shop from New York…

30.  buttons!  27. fabric arrives in the shop from NYC

Next up: Let construction begin!

The Metromaniacs begins February 3 in the Lansburgh Theatre.