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STC Internships & Fellowships: Meet Shelly, Jon and Alison

Day 2 of Intern/Fellow Week. Apply for an internship or fellowship at STC today!

Introduce yourself!

My name is Shelly Cohen and I am the Company Management Intern. My job allows me to work closely with guest artists and ensure that their stay in Washington DC is a memorable and enjoyable one!

Shelly (left) and her pod mates enjoy the STC Gala.

Favorite movie growing up and why.

My favorite film is Some Like It Hot. I love classic comedies from that era and I enjoy watching the comedic trio of Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Marilyn Monroe.

Most rewarding moment so far at STC/why you’re glad you work here.

I’m thankful to be working at STC because of the amazing staff that is here. They are all extremely supportive and always encourage each other to perform at their best.

Coolest place you’ve visited/thing you’ve done in D.C.

One of the coolest things I’ve done in D.C. was joining an amazing community band! I’ve played French Horn for over 13 years and DC’s Different Drummers has allowed me to challenge myself and perform my best with a group of extremely talented musicians. I’ve also had the opportunity to watch many of the top military bands perform at historic monuments throughout the D.C. area including the President’s Own at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration!

Piece of advice for applicants.

The biggest piece of advice I have for applicants is to go into every situation with a positive attitude and think of every situation as a learning experience.


Introduce yourself!

Jon is the General Management Intern at STC.  He spends his day defending the theatre by  processing licenses and 40 page long surveys.  Emphasizing the “General” in his title he works with nearly every department to make sure the theatre stays afloat.

Jon shows some spreadsheets who's boss.

Favorite movie growing up and why.

Fievel Goes West because of the LAZZZYYY EYE.

Most rewarding moment so far at STC/why you’re glad you work here.

Being able to tie in my other interests of photography and helping the theatre at the same time.

Coolest place you’ve visited/thing you’ve done in D.C.

World War 2 Memorial at midnight with the lights on and the Washington monument in the background.

Piece of advice for applicants.

Be proud of what you’ve done and confident in who you are (even if you’re not sure yet).


Introduce yourself!

Alison Goldberg, Development Intern. I write proposals and reports for funders, research potential donors, and help plan special events (and I may or may not try to eat the leftover food).

Alison poses for a photo with STC's Regional Theatre Tony Award.

Favorite movie growing up and why.

Mulan. Girl power, catchy songs, and Captain Li Shang. Need I say more?

Most rewarding moment so far at STC/why you’re glad you work here.

There have been a lot of great moments here at STC – I have been given a lot of responsibility here and gotten a lot of support. Since the very beginning, I have been welcomed to celebrate joint successes – whether jumping into a fountain of balloons after the gala or a round of high-fives after a successful grant application.

Coolest place you’ve visited/thing you’ve done in D.C.

Growing up in D.C., a lot of the really cool things in the city seem relatively commonplace to me. But absolutely nothing can top being on the mall for Barack Obama’s second inauguration – that was absolutely amazing.

Piece of advice for applicants.

Do your research. I had been to shows at STC growing up and never knew about some of the awesome events that I have been lucky enough to work on. Will on the Hill and the Mock Trial played a large part in my decision to take this internship.

If you’d like to contact Alison with questions about her job, email her at


Read other posts in this series:

Meet Alison, Chris and Kate